Lab Life

Lab Life

Here at the Simpson lab, we take pride in fostering a warm, welcoming, and inclusive environment for everyone. We often take part in social activities outside of the lab and enjoy each others' camaraderie.

Check out some of the shenanigans we get up to below!

Halloween 2024

Alastair embraces his roots for halloween, and gives an unforgettable lecture. Even Yana stopped by!

Alastair's birthday 2024!

The perfect birthday gift for any protistologist... a cake reconstruction of Carpediemonas. Or should we say... Cakediemonas.

Sampling trip 2024

The lab goes on a sampling trip in Nova Scotia to find some new protists!


The lab celebrates midsummer with a garden party. With fun hats a plenty!

Celebrating the solar eclipse in lab

We made a light box to view the eclipse from an old flask shipping box.

Alastair's Autoclave certificate

A Liz-Jube classic shenanigan

Gordon and Yana's Convocation

Convocation for Dr Gordon Lax and Dr Yana Eglit.  Because of pandemic disruptions, Gordon and Yana received their certificates and hoods in the same ceremony despite defending in different years.

Viking protists

Yana's thesis defence present was a mushrooming knife, which Alastair made a sheath for. It shows three protists that Yana worked on (Meteora, "SSF" and "Protist X") in the Urnes style from ~11th century Scandinavia.

lab photo

Super-awkward photo of the lab circa 2017.  Possibly defending against a free kick.